An unmistakable passion residing from within its leadership to encourage caregivers and their families.
This vision involves four major areas of concern each of which adds to the fulfillment of our vision to reinforce families contending with these difficult scenarios:
1) Assistance in developing Christ-centered support groups for caregivers and their families through communities of faith, who are compassionately concerned in assisting families encumbered by such issues as caregiving, disability, chronic pain, suffering, terminal illness and grief.
2) Free online therapeutic pastoral counseling with experienced professionals who themselves have had to contend with these hardships.
3) Christ-centered workshops and conferences for churches to educate and offer support within their community to families contending with caregiving, palliative care, hospice care, chronic pain, suffering and disability.
4) Develop through A Touch of Hope Ministries a National Christian network that works with local churches and communities of faith.